Where the arts, play, and transformation meet.
Join us by giving to our end of year campaign!
We are in an end of year push to raise an additional $20,000 for the CoLab Cuba project for 2025!
Cuba has a rich cultural history of art making, resilience and creative response, providing additional resources and support to an already vibrant context provides an opportunity to create additional spaces for health and healing. The goal of this present proposal is to scale up pilot initiatives in Cuba through a 5-year initiative.
Partner with Us.
The power of the arts.
We provide training and support for how to incorporate the arts to increase group connection, reduce stress and support mental health and well-being.
Communal Practices
We create playgrounds for exploration, weaving practices for social health, belonging, and a culture of care.
We act as a collective body - a community of practice.
We partner with groups and organizations to create tapestries of care built on possibility.
Why the arts?
We take in the world through our senses.
The arts are found in all cultures and countries around the world making it an accessible methodology and practice for all.
The arts as a resource for healing is grounded in current and emerging research on the use of the arts within the field of trauma care and psychosocial support.
At Collective Tapestry, we work through the lens of the expressive arts which encompasses all modalities including music, visual art, body-based movement, theatre, breath work, poetry, and other creative processes. The arts build on an individual’s strength and are empowering. When applied through repetition and in a safe context, they can lead to the discovery of new opportunities, resources and skills.
Art and music making, dance and drama, creative writing, and all forms of play, are participatory and sensory based. Emotional experiences are encoded as sensory memories, thus helping to express and process through the senses is an important step toward successful intervention and resolution.
Sources: Fancourt D, Finn S. What is the evidence on the role of the arts in improving health and well-being? A scoping review [Internet]. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe; 2019. (Health Evidence Network synthesis report, No. 67.)
Magsamen, S., & Ross, I. (2023). Your brain on art: how the arts transform us
Creative methods to strengthen the immune system of a community
Gather the Fragments
Every tapestry contains many strands reminding us that there are different approaches, postures, and understandings of what is happening in our world and how to respond. We believe that the arts and the creative capacities are essential strands to a larger tapestry, creating a sacred space for collective exploration and community poiesis. “Poiesis”, defined by Dr. Stephen Levine, is “the capacity of human beings to respond to difficulty and suffering and to transform them through creative acts that bring beauty into the world.”