The vision of Collective Tapestry is to empower artists, peacebuilders and community leaders in community based interventions through the lens of the expressive arts.
Callejero, “from the street”, is our mobile learning studio institute for global community builders. We provide training for community based interventions through the arts for health and peace. Through play and movement, we create spaces where people can imagine new possibilities and pathways to community practices of connection and well-being.
Callejero is about the unconventional, the experiential, and the creative ways of learning that are not often celebrated in the standard academic spaces but what is often known as valid and effective knowledge and strategies on the street, in the field and in the corners of our world. In partnership we create spaces for these innovative leaders to guide and help all of us to discover new ways of being.
Our studio launched in 2023 with the Expressive Arts in Transition training program. We are now preparing for a second cohort group in the coming months.